What are the chemicals and their structures that make up cardboard?
Cardboard is a heavy-duty paper. Paper is made from cellulose molecules. Coated paper has a thin layer of calcium carbonate. It is made from (carbon-6 hydrogen-10 Oxygen-5)n.
What are the chemicals and their structures that make up Styrofoam?
Made from the aromatic monomer styrene; a cyclic hyrdogencarbon. C6H5CH=CH2. Molecular Formula is C8H8
Beeswax has a chemical compound of C15H31COOC30H61
Explain why water is attracted to cardboard and not Styrofoam.
Cardboard is made of OH bonds, which attracts to the H2O bonds. Styrofoam is made up of polystyrene and that wicks the H20 away. Styrofoam has no change in certain molecules which makes it not attracted to H20.
Cardboard is made of OH bonds, which attracts to the H2O bonds. Styrofoam is made up of polystyrene and that wicks the H20 away. Styrofoam has no change in certain molecules which makes it not attracted to H20.
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